embracing the role of beginner at 53

Being part of a supportive and fun team has made me better in every way!

Being new at something when you are my age is such a humbling thing. Learning to ask for help from people much younger than me but much more experienced than I am has opened me up to being willing to learn in EVERY part of me life.

My experience as a mom, wife, mentor, caretaker, organizer, home renovator all all valuable to others who are not as far along on their journey as I, but there is always room to grow and become better.

I have enlisted a spiritual director, a mentor and a counselor to walk with me to help me to see things, that on my own, I am unable to see.

Imperfection is hard for me, this picture of all of us is the best we could do in the moment. I really want it to be better, but I also really want to appreciate that we are all ALL in it.

I find it hard to hold the value of the knowledge that I have and the need to grow and learn in the same hand.

like a teetertotter my default is to stay on one side of that coin or the other. The truth is somewhere in the middle.

Often life is about finding that tricky balance.

The same is true when deciding whether or not to buy or sell a house!

so many questions…

when? where? how?

Do you pay rent for 2 more years and hope interest rates go down? Do you sell a home you have outgrown? move to that different neighborhood? make where you are work?

These are all really hard choices and having an advocate and counselor to help you see every side of a decision is invaluable.

I would love to be that for you.