I think GOD delights in using our broken best.
But don’t take my word for it,
JESUS said
“My power is made perfect in weakness”
2 Corinthians 12: 9-10
As I prayed about what I wanted to share with you this week My daughter posted this to facebook.
🎶This is me
🎶 this song has a lot of meaning for me. This song is for outcasts those who feel like they don’t fit in with the rest of the world because they are physically or mentally different. Those who have been torn apart by others because they don’t accept those who are different. It’s hard living in a world that looks down on you because you’re different but this song is definitely inspiring for me. It doesn’t matter if you’re different because that doesn’t define you. It’s hard to have a physical disability that will be with me for the rest of my life but I’ve learned that you have to embrace it and make the most of it. Yes sometimes I do get upset because of the struggle and frustrations that I face on a daily basis but I just have to remind myself that my disability will never define me and that there must be a reason God chose to give me a diabilty. Don’t change yourself for the world. Don’t be ashamed of who you are. Don’t let others tare you apart. Be You!
Lily HATES attention. she hates being stared at , she hates needing help, she hates being on stage, she HATES being different. She is an introvert and a perfectionist so having a limb difference that makes you stand out every moment of every day is so very hard for her. This post is JESUS in her. Only HE can bring this kind of healing. And HE can only heal what has been placed in HIS hands.
When I began to home school 20 years ago I used books to teach. I read hundreds of books to my kids every month, This practice made me more and more comfortable with reading.
We read about a different missionary or follower of Jesus every week. What stood out to me in every one of these stories is that GOD delights in using people on whom the world has given up.
Ben Carson grew up in a neighborhood where most young men ended up dead or in jail….He became a renown surgeon and is now the secretary of housing.
Gladys Aylward was told that she was not “fit for missionary work” by the Chinese inland mission. She worked as a maid for 3 years to save up enough money for one way train ticket to China. Once in China she helped make life better for thousands of prisoners and saved hundreds of orphans.
Elisabeth Elliot became a young widow and single mom after only 3 years on the mission field. She went back to the people who had murdered her husband with a toddler on her hip and led them to faith in Jesus.
If you would like to read more I recommend the series “Hero Tales”
Before she wrote 1000 gifts Ann Voskamp was so paralysed by fear that she had a hard time leaving her home. If you have not met Ann here is a link to her website, I highly recommend that you get to know her grace filled, broken self.
Here’s the thing. None of us likes to be broken. None of us want to admit that we need help,. Most of us hate that there are things in our lives that we just can not fix….. so we hide our broken behind our strengths. We work really hard at getting better and better at what we are already good at so that no one will notice our broken parts….But
I think GOD likes our broken best…
when HE uses the broken it is clear that it is HIM and not us.
I know that I tend to forget to give HIM all the credit when I am working in my strengths.
then your hearts will become proud and you will forget the Lord your God……Deuteronomy 8:14
Dear friend, I wonder if there might be something in your life that maybe our heavenly FATHER wants you to give HIM so that HE can show off!
HE is such a master at creating
If you have time please listen to this great teaching by Andy Stanley
Dear Cyndi and Paul this is me this song describes me totally, I love you family