13 A cheerful heart brings a smile to your face;
    a sad heart makes it hard to get through the day.
15 A miserable heart means a miserable life;
    a cheerful heart fills the day with song.
Prov. 15

Go to the zoo in the rain

The thing about the Zoo when it is 45 degrees and raining is that you are the only ones there to enjoy it. The choice to embrace the uncomfortable opens up a whole new experience that the comfort seekers never get to have.

Our zoo here in Toledo has a ton of wonderful inside exhibits too, A beautiful Aviary, a state of the art aquarium, a huge ape habitat,  a reptile house, a children’s science center and a polar bear/seal building just to name a few.

I recommend doing this with a group of good friends and LOTS of children. Life is better when shared in the rain.


Don’t get me wrong, I love sunshine and warm as much as the other guy, honesty probably more!….but if we are always waiting for the “perfect” moment to enjoy ourselves we  miss out on so much!

One of the highlights of my week is walking to Starbucks with Paul on sat. mornings before the kids get up (even if it is 20 deg. out) Many of our favorite dates are walks (sometimes in the cold and rain) and a simple take out dinner or game nights with friends and family.

20 min. in my rocking chair with a cup of coffee, my Bible and the company of the birds who come to visit our feeder can  bring me as much joy as sitting at the ocean with my feet in the sand……if I let it.

I hope you never have the opportunity to sit next to a friend in an oncologist office while her husband is being told he has a year to live, but if you do, take it.

I am pretty sure that doing hard things together is like glue to relationship. When we go through things that make us stronger next to another person something miraculous happens. The joke between my best friend and I is that in a span of almost 20 years we never saw each other where someone did not puke or go to the ER…..I am not kidding!

one of COUNTLESS zoo visits with Williams

This friend has taught me so much about living life EYES WIDE OPEN for the beauty in everyday moments. she started a “thankfulness instagram” in order to keep a record of 1000 things she was thankful for in the year 2017, so far she has posted over 1500 times on her #20181000gifts page. believe me when I tell you she has had a VERY challenging 3 years. If anyone has a right to be angry, bitter, sullen and EXHAUSTED it is her….

Another friend has the most contagious laugh! She lights up a room…this is AFTER losing her mom to cancer when she was pregnant with her first child,  and fighting cancer herself in her early 40s!

They have learned to dance in the rain rather than wait for the storm to pass,…..and that has made all the difference!

I Thessalonians 5:16-18 in the Message Bible  says “Be cheerful no matter what; pray all the time; thank God no matter what happens. This is the way God wants you who belong to Christ Jesus to live.”

I don’t know where you are at in this process, you may be wonderful at enjoying the little moments. If so, would you share them with me on my https://www.facebook.com/facesofgrayce/ page? I would love to hear YOUR “dancing in the rain” story!

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