Lily’s Story

I have met hundreds of people with extraordinary stories,

would you let me introduce you to them?

Knowing them has brought the best out of me.

I think it will do the same for you.

because courage is contagious.

Let me begin with the one I call daughter.


I can not put into words what it is like to see a child that you have loved for over a year for the first time, and have her be terrified of you.

“mama, I wanted to be happy but I was so scared and confused.”

My brave little girl, smiling through her tears.DSCF2291

Unconditional love can do that, it can bring out your brave.

To open a heart that has been broken is no small thing.


Entering into a journey that is bigger then yourself is scary, it is stretching and it is the best thing you will ever do for yourself and for those you travel with.

Let me share how our journey Began.

in 2009 I had a dream of a little girl with arm differences, I knew she was supposed to be a Ferrell…. my husband did not.

One day about 5 months after my first dream (there were many) I asked Paul to pray that God would take away the overwhelming calling to adopt again,

he prayed,

God changed HIS heart.

As I looked at waiting child lists I saw a little girl whose arms looked like the ones in my dreams, she was nine!

could a nine year old become part of our family?

What about attachment disorder,

what about the language barrier,

what about the fact that her arms could not be “fixed”

What about…….

But my heart stayed with the sweet little girl in the yellow dress..

And then one day Paul looked at me and said

“if not us, then who?”

This was NOT my plan, this was not something I could do.

This is what GOD would do.


This is how God would stretch us to see beyond ourselves.

watching her fight gives us the courage to fight.

Everyday Lily gets dressed, brushes her teeth, carries a backpack,

 she writes, swims, plays volleyball, rides a bike

with arms that do not bend and hands that barely move….

She loves with her whole heart.

She faces her fear and pain,

she stares them down

she survives.

she thrives

she is my



One thought on “Lily’s Story”

  1. Honestly, that is awesome. Cyndi, keep up the great work on the stories. Lily is an awesome person to be around. 🙂

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