Making space in your place

Create a place for yourself
This can be a corner, a chair, a closet, or even your car. the place does not matter. What matters is that it is YOURS.
mine is a rocking chair next to our fireplace facing out a window in the winter and the deck in the summer. I feel closest to God in nature and that is why I chose these places.

please understand, it is not about the space itself. my rocking chair is in the middle of our living room.  some days I have 5 min. to sit with Jesus and others I have an hour.
My Bible, devotional and Journal are always waiting for me there…..
But mostly JESUS is waiting for me there…

please hear me, this is not about checking a quite time off your list…. this is about finding SPACE IN YOUR LIFE FOR JESUS TO SPEAK HIS LOVE INTO YOU.
some days I just sit and listen for HIS voice, sometimes I read HIS word, some times I journal or worship or read and some days I walk right by our chair in the crazy of my day and throw up a prayer to the one who will be there waiting when I remember to STOP and LISTEN.

Do not fill the time with so much that there is no space to listen to HIS still small voice.
This week I would like you to meditate on these words from Proverbs 3

Trust in the Lord with all your heart  (HE is trustworthy, you can trust HIM with your heart)

and lean not on your own understanding (know that what you see is not what God sees…that you can trust HIM when you do not understand)

in  all your ways submit to him, (give him access to EVERY part of your life and do not throw a temper tantrum when HIS way is not your way)

and he will make your paths straight. (believe that as you seek HIM HE will direct you in the way HE wants you to go)

do not be wise in your own eyes; (humble yourself, trust HIS wisdom above your own)

fear the Lord and shun evil. (a healthy fear that leads us to make good choices is a good thing, listen to that still small voice that says stop, run, turn away)

if you have time this week check out this teaching about giving yourself space in your schedule.

2 thoughts on “Making space in your place”

  1. How those words speak to me! I’ve nevwr read verse 5 like that: to trust my whole heart in His hands. And how I sometimes want to run and shout and make things happen NOW because that’s what I want; that’s what I think is best. But I do need to sit and LISTEN to that still small voice telling me He has this, I don’t need to fight the battle because He’s fighting it for me, and it’s already been won. So as I sit back and cry because I perceive horrors, they may actually be building blocks in certain people’s lives that God is using to refine them, and me. I need not worry so much; He’s got this! Psalm 56

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