Mom in the middle

Have you notices that there are THOUSANDS of wonderful blogs, books, resources for young moms out there. Funny antidotes about teething, potty training and toddler messes, understanding moms who encourage you to breathe, enjoy every moment because it goes by so very fast….good natured parodies on “nursing moms vs bottle moms, “wearing moms” vs. stroller moms, “co-sleeping moms vs. baby wise moms…..and the list goes on.

If you want to find encouragement as a young mom it is everywhere.

and then it goes black.

I am in that black zone. My children range in age from 12 to 23.  I have a son and a daughter getting married this summer, I will have a senior in high school and two Jr. highers.  I feel pulled in a million directions and I am struggling to figure out who I am in this new role of “support staff” to my kids rather then full time caretaker and teacher.

If you have bigs you know what I am taking about. There are no simple answers. We are  trying to juggle our work and their work and sports and our marriage and moving children in and out of our homes and weddings and…..the list goes on! Our schedules are at the mercy of their schedules.

And we can share very little of the struggle.

 We hold the hearts of our dear young adults in our confidence. Often times the only one we can go to with our heartache is to Jesus. We  can not share how our Daughter is heartbroken over a break up, or that she is afraid that her best friend does not like her any more or that our son if failing math…and those are the EASY problems! As moms of older children we hold so much in our hearts.

Parenting young adults is heartbreaking, its emotionally exhausting and many of us are doing it all without the support of other moms. We thought we had all the answers when our kids were little and now it has become abundantly clear that we do not.   We are left with more questions then answers.

It’s a very lonely place to be.

I don’t have all the answers, I am navigating the same murky water you are. But what I do know is that we need to do this TOGETHER. We need other moms to love us through this. We need to have friends and make time for ourselves and live in kindness with one another.

So, for now, this blog is going to be about mothering teens and young adults with grace and faith. My prayer is that we  can encourage one another along the way!

If you would like to join this community of moms in a virtual way  you can visit “moms in the middle” on facebook.

3 thoughts on “Mom in the middle”

  1. Hi Cyndi! So glad to see this blog. It’s my very heart! It’s like the words came right out of my own mouth! …because they have! We all meet at playgrounds and parks and backyards regularly to support one another through the toddler years. We talk potty training and nutrition and what to do when a child lies or hits their sister. Then, right when parents need the most support they isolate themselves out of embarrassment that they’re going through the wringer with a teen, or maybe two or three of them! Because, by now we should have figured it all out, right? And our kids should be shiny examples of all we’ve poured into them, right? They should directly reflect our values and the countless hours invested in teaching God’s principles, right? Oh my goodness, no! And we cower under self-condemnation and crumble under the lie that we must have done something wrong for our child to be so rebellious, or mean, or undisciplined, or self-centered.

    1. thanks Dawn! yes, we all cower under the condemnation when our kiddos actually turn out HUMAN. Its such a lonely place to be. no park dates, no playgroups…..just our lost kids and our lost selves doing our best 🙂

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