a break from the chaos

I wonder what would happen if we all just lived our lives right where we are at.  What if we did not infuse our lives with all the horrible things going on all over the world on an hourly basis?

I think into each of our lives comes enough sadness, enough stress, enough fear. Do we really need to take on the pain of the entire world?

I’m pretty sure that we were not created to do that, that God never intended for us to bring the pain and suffering of our entire world into our living rooms every day. I think it overwhelms our souls and takes from us emotional energy that we could be spending on the world that our lives touch every day.

I have walked away from the news feeling so drained that I had a hard time being the person I want to be to those in the room, in my daily life and in my sphere of influence…..

I wonder what would happen if we each opened our eyes to the people we see every day. What if we really Saw our co-workers, our neighbors, our friends.  What if we entered in to their pain and their drama rather then watching things unfold on a screen that we are powerless to do anything about it.

I’m not saying that we ignore the world…I’m just saying maybe we should stop filling our hearts and minds with so much hard that we have no emotional strength to be soft.

the world need soft. the world needs to know that there is hope, and joy and grace in each moment!

So I am giving my readers a challenge.

A media free week.

A week free of watching the world go crazy.

A week free to work on our own crazy, in our own lives, in our own homes, in our own sphere of influence .

A week free to enjoy the lovely that is in our lives.

A week to work on the not so lovely that is in our lives.

A week to focus on the world that WE impact every day and see how we can infuse IT with Gods love.


My challenge to you.

during the time you would normally watch or listen to the news pray.

pray for peace

pray for healing

pray for wisdom

pray for eyes to see who you can give joy to today

pray for a heart open to HIS power




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