Radical contentment in a discontent world

WOW is this hard for me! Like climbing mount Everest hard. As a 1 wing 2 on the enneagram (what?!? you have not entered that cult yet? It is a personality tool that helps you understand yourself and others… google it 🙂 )

funny story, I am actually NOT a one with 2 but a FOUR! 4s act like 2s and 1s so it was an honest mistake 🙂 so REALLY go listen to the typology pod cast, it is so full of wisdom!

Anyway, what was I saying? Oh yes, contentment…The ever allusive, as soon as I think I am there I see a wall that “needs” to be painted, a ministry that needs” fixed” a deck that needs built, a child that needs “lovingly” corrected so that she can become more like me, or a husband that need directed so that he can do that project the “right way” God bless my family!

I wonder if I should write a book, or a blog, or a facebook post or should I unplug and forget about it all? I question everything I do, and everything I have ever done. I want people to like me and then I want to hide so no one has a chance to dislike me. One moment I am so proud of my kids I can hardly stand it and the next moment I wonder if I am a good mom.

If I am the only one that feels this way please don’t tell me!

So how do we do it? How do we find contentment in a world that SCREAMS from every direction YOU NEED TO DO BETTER, YOU NEED TO OWN BETTER, LOOK BETTER, EAT BETTER, WORK OUT BETTER, MOM BETTER, WIFE BETTER, SERVE BETTER


What??? you thought I knew that answer to that question…hahahahahahahahahahaah

sorry, but no.

What I will tell you is that I have found a different question.

What does GOD want me to see today?

How can I place myself in HIS loving arms today so that the world I see is the one HE wants me to see?

I can be so distracted by the desire to make a huge impact on THE world that I forget that I am making an impact in MY world every day. for better or for worse.

What if it is more important that I smile at the elderly lady trying to figure out the self check-out lane (or better yet, offer to help her) when I am 10 min. late for Bible study than it is that I write a blog post.

What if God wants me to see that my teenager is really struggling with her identity rather than just trying to make my life miserable. What if HE needs me to just love her where she is at and give up the need to look “perfect” on Facebook.

Maybe today God wants us to SEE that lonely neighbor or struggling boss or tired young mom and share ourselves with them. just one person at a time. no facebook post to get likes on, no insta selfie to prove that we have value, just a pouring out of ourselves onto those that GOD wants to open our eyes to SEE…

In this world of so many distractions I have lost sight of those right in front of me. Those GOD has placed in my path to love. I have neglected the few because I want the many.

what if I give myself one hour to write a blog post instead of 6 and just let it be imperfect and trust that if you were supposed to read it you have 🙂 And that you will forgive all the “mistakes”

Life is hard and messy and exhausting

give grace

to yourself and those you cross paths with today

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