what if its more about who we are becoming then what we are doing?

Am I the only one who has run herself silly trying to do all the things? One more chore list or meal plan or time management tool and THEN I will have it all together

But here is the thing…I have been doing that for 40 some years and I STILL do not have it all together…what is up with that?

In fact the older I get the LESS I feel like I have it all under control…

or maybe the more honest I am with what I CAN and CAN NOT control. that poem from AA that says give me the courage to change the things I can, the grace to accept the things I cant and…(here is the real trick!)


It has been on my mind a lot lately, the thousands of hours I spent worrying about things I really have no control over…What if I had put all that energy into praying for them, learning to trust Jesus more, resting when I was tired instead of trying to do that “one more thing”

If I do not have the inner character to clean up the kitchen without making sure EVERYONE in the house knows that I am doing it ALL BY MYSELF AGAIN…then I need to stop and have a come to Jesus moment before that kitchen gets clean, or I need to have the courage and kindness to ask for help. please to do hear me saying just leave the kitchen a mess, that is no good for you or anyone in your home but I am saying figure out a way to get it done without the ATTITUDE! (please tell me I am not the only one who struggles with this….even if you have to lie!)

I can not keep my child from getting in a car accident, I can control my response, I can not control my teenagers snark or distance but I can control MY attitude with her. I can not control someone else’s mental illness but I can control the way I feed into it. I can exercise and eat right, go to bed on time but I can to control how my body responds to those choices.

I’m wondering if we focus on the BECOMING ig everything else will will just COME…

What if in BECOMING kind we naturally serve others,

or in BECOMING self disciplined our homes will naturally become places of order and joy

or if in BECOMING full of faith we would naturally embrace the life we have and let go of our need for control

What if it is in the BECOMING that we figure out who we were DESIGNED to be by our amazing, loving, perfect GOD

The thing is its a LOT harder to focus on our own inner selves than it is to try to fix all the rest of the worlds problems. OUR OWN SELVES are ONLY thing we really have any control over so that leaves us with no excuses and that makes it super scary and hard.

What I can tell you is that in my 50 years on this earth I have learned one thing, that there are no short cuts when it comes to becoming.

TIME with JESUS is the ONLY way it happens. The good news is that that looks different for everyone. some people find HIM in silence, some in nature, some in worship music, some in art…..the list is endless. We do our best BECOMING when we find what brings us joy and seek HIM as we do it. of course we all need to be in HIS word and pray but HOW we do that is as unique as you are my friend!

Mine is nature

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